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However, the commission said they could clear him to fight. The main issue with getting Bisping a license to fight professionally is that 'The Count' only has one eye after suffering a detached retina in a 2013 bout against Vitor Belfort - something which he had to hide in the later stages of his fighting career. Bisping, to get a fight license - but we can actually do that for you.”

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“We got news of your inability currently, Mr. “We are doing this video to inform you that we sanction professional athletic bouts here, just outside of Calgary, Alberta,” said Zachary Manywounds, a member of the commission. In a video made to Bisping, and later shared on his Twitter account, the commission offered their services to get the bout scheduled. However their possible bout has only started seriously materializing recently - due in part to the Tsuu'tina Combative Commission. Tsuut'ina made international headlines this week when former UFC middleweight world champion Michael Bisping expressed interest in having a professional boxing-bout with YouTube star Jake Paul on the Nation's territory.īisping, who retired from the UFC in 2018 with a record of 30-9-0, has been exchanging words with Paul for some time.

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